Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

"Building Bridges One Brick At A Time"

The Wexford Ridge Neighborhood, in conjunction with The Meridian Management Company, has been fortunate to host an annual family activity called "Connections". Thursday, August 27th, 2009 from 11 am - 2 pm, an event will be held at 7012 Tree Lane, and is open to media and community residents. At approximately 12 noon, there will be a special awards ceremony in honor of Stanley Robinson who valiantly intervened during a significant fire on June 07, 2009, and is responsible for saving the lives of 3 children. The apartment that was ablaze was located in the 7100 block of Flower Lane, and on behalf of the sponsors of "Connections" this event seemed most appropriate to honor the courageous efforts on the part of Stanley Robinson.

In attendance at this event will be The Madison Fire Department (including a fire truck and associated equipment), A Madison Police Department K-9 (Marty), and a member of The Madison Police Department's Mounted Unit. Community residents will also be able to participate in coordinated games for the youth, and food will also be provided. This event has its primary focus directed at strengthening the relationships between community residents and the organizations that serve them. The many monetary sponsors of this event are also thanked for their continued support.


  • PO Howard Payne, 608 266 4897
