Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Adopting an inlet is crucial as we prepare for the rain and warmer temperatures. Please check the drain inlets near your home, and remove snow and ice from their vicinity so water can flow freely. This is especially true if you are near a low point in a street (normally near intersections). If you cannot clear an inlet that you believe needs to be cleared, call Engineering Operations at 608-266-4430. Engineering crews started clearing inlets on Tuesday and have been working through the bitter cold.

The quickly changing temperatures have continued to affect our water mains. We have close to 20 breaks in the last three days and Water Utility crews are working round the clock to repair them. That repair is cold, wet work and it can take hours to repair one main.

It is important to note that on Saturday, as the temperature warms up to perhaps 37 degrees and it starts raining, not to be fooled. The pavement temperature is still very cold, especially if there is not sun to warm it up. The rain can quickly freeze, and it could be slippery.

Crews will be able to break up some of the hard pack on Saturday with salt. They will begin their work at 6:00 a.m. Keep in mind they can’t be everywhere at the same time.
Residents should make sure their downspouts are draining and not frozen in the snow. If they are, it could cause water and then ice to back up into gutters, potentially causing ice dams.

If your home is prone to basement flooding and you have a sump pump, make sure the discharge end of your pump is clear as it may kick in this weekend.


  • Katie Crawley, 608-266-4611