Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

With heavy snow and wind in the forecast, Madison Mayor Paul Soglin has determined that City offices and facilities will be closed to the public on Thursday, December 20.

"The safety of the general public is the most important thing to keep in mind," said Mayor Soglin. "With the snow being forecast to last throughout the day, combined with high winds, we need to keep roads clear for emergency vehicles. I am not comfortable with the general public or City employees making their way to and from City offices."

City plows and sanders will be out in force throughout the snow and wind event. Madison Streets does plan regular trash and recycling collections, however large item pick up is suspended on Thursday. Parking in City garages will be free of charge this evening so residents can clear the streets for plows.

Regular updates and information on City services this winter are available through Residents can also sign up to get email and text message alerts through the site regarding plowing updates, parking restrictions and shoveling regulations, as well as recreational and other activities.


  • Katie Crawley, 608-266-4611