Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The Madison Streets Division has been working on clearing City streets since the storm began on Wednesday evening. The effort involved over 175 plows and salt trucks working on main arterials and residential streets.

These efforts will result in having most streets in the City in good winter driving condition by Friday morning. This should allow Madison residents to get to work if they allow some extra time for their commute.

Although County crews have been working to their capacity as well, roads and highways in Dane County, especially in rural areas, will be in poor condition due to blowing and drifting snow. Residents who live outside the City limits will need to pay special attention to the conditions of rural roads, state and county highways, and the Interstate.

Commuters headed into Dane County and Madison should research road conditions before heading out and plan accordingly. Travel with extreme caution and allow extra time.

The storm is also resulting in downed power lines throughout the area. Madison Police and Fire Departments are working in conjunction with utility companies to respond to the lines. If you see wires down, assume they are energized and stay clear of them. Notify your utility company.

If it is safe to do so, clear tree limbs that may be heavily loaded with snow to prevent them from breaking and causing further damage. DO NOT attempt to remove a tree limb or other object from a power line. Electricity can travel through limbs, especially when they are wet.

If a broken power line should fall on your vehicle, stay inside the vehicle. Use your cell phone to call for help. The vehicle can become energized; you are safer remaining inside until help arrives. If someone makes contact with a downed power line, do not try to rescue him or her because you risk becoming a victim yourself. Call 911 for help.


  • Katie Crawley, 608-335-7071