Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

MPD Helps Forge New Relationships With Inaugural Program

"We are excited to partner with the community in a way that's different from what many of our black youth normally sees," said Madison Police Officer Corey Saffold. He is one of the organizers of the inaugural Black Youth Career Police Academy being held this week at two locations: the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County, 2001 Taft St., and The Madison Police Department Training Center, 5702 Femrite Dr. "This new partnership will be a catapult to overcome barriers that may exist between police and some of the African American community," said Officer Saffold. The program may also open doors to career paths participants had not before considered.

The 3 day academy will be held on August 16, 17, and 18 with law enforcement officers teaching students about their profession through interactive classroom presentations and live-action scenarios. Additional presentation topics will also include career preparation, fitness and nutrition. Fitchburg Police, UW-Madison Police, and the Dane County Sheriff's Department are helping host the new initiative with strong support from the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County.

The Wisconsin Professional Police Association (WPPA), the state's largest law enforcement group, and 100 Black Men stepped forward as financial community partners to make the academy possible. WPPA Executive Director Jim Palmer said the WPPA supports the academy because it fits with the WPPA's goal of supporting communities officers serve.

"The WPPA feels events like the Black Youth Academy build stronger relationships between the community and law enforcement, making the community safer for everyone," said Palmer. "They are beneficial to both the community and to the dedicated men and women who police them."

Media members are invited to attend the academy August 16th and 18th at the Boys and Girls Club on Taft St, August 17th at the Madison Police Department Training Center, or the graduation August 18th at Penn Park.


  • Joel DeSpain, 266-4897
