Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Bicyclists will be able to get a free bike light starting September 18th, according to an announcement made today by Matthew Burczyk, UW Pedestrian–Bicycle Coordinator. “UW Credit Union and Planet Bike, a local bicycle accessories distributor, really stepped forward enabling us to give out nearly 150 lights,” Burczyk said.

The lights will be distributed during the week of September 18th, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the intersection of Murray Street and the Greenbush Bike Path. People unable to get a light at this time may obtain one by contacting Burczyk or Steve Meiers, of City Traffic Engineering.

Local bike shops will also be giving discounts on lights. Coupons are available at any UW Credit Union locations.

“The lights are a crucial component of safe nighttime riding,” said Steve Meiers, Safety Educator. “Twenty percent of all bicycle crashes happen at night and often motorists don’t even see the cyclists.” Meiers also urged cyclists to follow all of the rules of the road, such as riding with traffic and stopping at stop signs.


David C. Dryer, P.E., City Traffic Engineer and Parking Manager


  • Steve Meiers, 608-267-1102
  • Matthew Burczyk, UW Pedestrian/Bicycle Coordinator, 608-263-2969