Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Anyone who wants to help the environment by being a better watershed steward should consider adding rain barrels and compost bins to their home this fall.

Rainwater harvesting systems, such as rain barrels, collect and store rainfall for later use.

Harvesting rainwater for plants saves water and reduces stormwater run-off into local waterways. The more we manage water where it falls, the more the local waterways will benefit.

"Composting and using a rain barrel are two simple actions all homeowners can take to help the lakes," Clean Lakes Alliance founder and Executive Director James Tye, said.

Compost bins help create nutrient-rich soil by turning yard waste and select food scraps into organic nutrient-rich soil amendment fuel for lawns and gardens.

Buying on a budget is possible thanks to a local rain barrel and compost bin sale this weekend.

The annual Madison compost and rain barrel sale begins Oct. 10, 2020 at a new location: Garver Feed Mill, 3241 Garver Green, off S. Fair Oaks Avenue near Starkweather Creek. The new location provides easy pick-up and experts will be on hand to answer questions.  

Compost bins and 50- and 100-gallon rain barrels with diverters are available at discounted prices. Pre-orders before Oct. 2, 2020, receive an additional $10 off.

Pre-order online prior to Oct. 2, 2020 on the Rain Reserve website by searching for "Rain Reserve rain barrel and compost bin sale Madison."
Rain barrel options
Rain barrel and compost sale Facebook event
Information regarding traffic flow and how to pick-up your rain barrel will be provided after your pre-order.

*NOTE: This is not a City of Madison event. Rain Reserve is the official host of the event. Any questions regarding the rain barrels purchased from previous sales should be directed to Rain Reserve


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