Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

City of Madison Assessor Michelle Drea announced today that assessment notices will be mailed June 19. As the City follows State law (Per Wis. Stat. § 70.45) a period for “examination of the assessment roll” -what we refer to as “open book” - is provided. This period of time is an opportunity to discuss property value and provide reason for changing value, if appropriate.  The open book period will begin June 22 and close July 3 at 4:30 p.m.

COVID Impact on Open Book

Aside from an initial two hour period at the beginning of this period, open book contact will be telephonic or virtual. In compliance with directives from Public Health, our office remains closed to the public for everyone’s safety. Property owners must initiate contact with the appraiser for their property in one of two ways:

Support staff fielding the initial contact will direct you to the appropriate appraiser and provide helpful information about our process and resources available. The appraiser will then contact you based on the initial information provided. Resources and procedures will be listed on our website located at:

