Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Ceremony Slated For Monday

This coming Monday, October 15th, STAJOH (Seeking Tolerance and Justice Over Hate) will be awarding Stephen Blue the 2nd Annual Alix Olson Award for the Promotion of a Tolerant and Just Community.

Mr. Blue is the manager of the Dane County Juvenile Delinquency Services, and has served the county for 35-years. He has devoted much of his career to keeping young people out of the juvenile justice system, and is the driving force behind the Neighborhood Intervention Program. N.I.P. has been in place for 24 years. It provides social, educational and recreational programming, all of which is aimed at helping young people make positive lifestyle choices.

Mr. Blue was nominated by his coworkers for what they describe as a "truly heroic" body of work in the community over the course of his career.

The award ceremony is being held in conjunction with the YWCA's Racial Justice Summit.

STAJOH is an anti-hate crime group composed of representatives of government agencies from the City of Madison, Dane County, Madison Metropolitan School District, State of Wisconsin, and University of Wisconsin-Madison as well as other community-based agencies throughout Dane County.

Retired MPD Detective Alix Olson was the heart and soul of STAJOH and this award is given in honor of her service. She spearheaded many projects, formed cooperative alliances against hate and hate crimes, & arranged for STAJOH members to attend
the Tools for Tolerance® training programs at the Simon Wiesenthal Institute.

The Monday ceremony is at noon at Monona Terrace.



  • Joel DeSpain, 266-4897
