Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Fire Safety House to Join Apparatus on Square

The Annual Dane County Fire Chiefs Association Fire Truck Parade is taking place this Sunday, October 5.

This popular event is held each year to mark the beginning of Fire Prevention Week in Dane County. The parade includes more than 30 fire trucks from many of the fire departments serving the communities in Dane County.

The parade begins at 1:00 PM at the end of State Street near the Library Mall. The trucks, adorned with plenty of chrome and flashing red lights, will travel up State Street to the Capitol Square.

Once at the Square, the fire trucks will be on display until 3:00 PM for children of all ages. Firefighters will be available to answer questions, children may climb inside many of the trucks, and parents can take some great photos of the kids with the fire trucks and firefighters. This year, the fire trucks on the Square will be joined by the newly-rebuilt Fire Safety House, which has been visiting area schools as part of Fire Prevention Month activities.


Health & Safety