Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Alder Larry Palm has decided not to seek re-election as Alder in District 15. For nearly eight years has served the residents of the near North and Eastside of Madison.

In January 2012, new alder boundaries took effect that moved Alder Palm's residence out of District 15. "I've had a wonderful opportunity and treasure my time on the Common Council. Unfortunately being redistricted out of District 15 was too difficult to overcome," said Alder Palm.

Alder Palm, Alder Lauren Cnare (District 3) and Alder Jill Johnson (District 16) will be hosting a Candidate Open House for anyone who is interested in running as Alder in one of these districts. The Candidate Open House will be Sunday, December 9 at 2 p.m. at the Pinney Branch Library on Cottage Grove Road.

"Strong candidates are essential in a democracy. Going door-to-door talking to residents and understanding their concerns prepared me to be a better Alder. Having the chance to be invited into people's homes and have a conversation around the kitchen table about issues that matter will be something I will never forget."

"Regardless of your political perspective, background or interests everyone can be engaged in local elections. We've witnessed national elections where billions of dollars are spent on nothing more than words. Local elections are what a community can do together."


  • Ald. Larry Palm, District 15, (608) 692-8416