Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Last night, Alder Gary Halverson, District 17, announced his resignation from the Madison Common Council effective immediately.

“Thank you to Alder Halverson for his service to the community. Threats and vandalism are not productive or democratic ways of engaging public officials and we are very disappointed that Alder Halverson’s family is experiencing this,” said Council President Keith Furman and Vice President Jael Currie.

“Ald. Halverson’s decision to resign is clearly the right thing for him and his family. Having experienced something similar myself, I understand how upset they must be by having their home targeted. While elected officials must embrace feedback from, and disagreement with, our constituents, I do not believe that graffiti or protests at our homes are an appropriate form of engagement,” said Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway. “I’m confident that the Common Council will find someone qualified to represent the district until the next election.”

Halverson was elected to the Common Council in April 2021. He served on the Board of Public Works, City-County Liaison Committee, Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (MPO), Vending Oversight Committee, and Water Utility Board.

The procedure for filling a vacancy on the Common Council is set out in Madison General Ordinance 2.03 and Wisconsin State Statute 17.23(1)(a).

The Common Council President oversees the application process to fill the vacancy. Received applications are reviewed by the Common Council Executive Committee. This process includes an interview of applicants. After conducting interviews, the committee will make a recommendation to the Common Council. The Common Council then appoints the interim District 17 alder to serve until a new alder is elected and sworn in on April 18, 2023.

The process to fill the vacancy will begin soon and a timeline will be made available in the near future.
