Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Last evening Ald. Joe Clausius and other members of the Board of Estimates voted to place on file the grant request of CareNet, an anti-choice organization.

Clausius said "On the surface this organization's proposal sounded worthwhile, but their true agenda is to subvert a woman's right to make her own reproductive choice. I want to thank my neighbors, friends, and fellow pro-choice advocates for bringing the truth about CareNet to my attention. I also testified against CareNet's grant request at last week's Community Development Block Grant Commission meeting and feel fortunate to be able to do my small part in preserving Madison's tradition of being staunchly pro-choice."

CareNet requested a CDBG grant for a housing project on Madison's eastside. Concerned citizens familiar with CareNet's anti-choice practices brought their concerns to the City Council. Responding to public concern and the revelations about CareNet practices, all the alders who originally sponsored the resolution in support of CDBG funding for CareNet, Ald. Tim Bruer, Ald. Lauren Cnare, Ald. Matt Phair and Ald. Joe Clausius, removed themselves as sponsors. "As a strong supporter in a women's right to choose, I believe that public dollars should not be used to fund anti-choice organizations like CareNet in any capacity," added Clausius.


  • Ald. Joe Clausius, District 17, (608) 244-5066