Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Dane County Photographers, 55+, Exhibit their Work

The Madison Senior Center is proud to announce the photography winners for the 2012 A PHOTO AFFAIR contest. Dane County photographers 55 years and older were invited to submit photographs for judging. The show highlights the outstanding photographic talent and skill of older adults in Dane County.

Three professional judges, John Lorimer, Tom Miller and Daryl Sherman, awarded cash prizes and bestowed honors on the photographers. Best of Show was "Calm" by Don Sylvester; Award of Excellence went to "93 y. o. in Zimbabwe Village # 2" by Charlene Sweeney; and Tommy Mader's "GTS Constellation, Sky Deck Aft, Starboard Side" and Fay Ferington's "White on Black" won the two Judges' Choice Awards.

Honorable Mention awards went to "Light Waves" and "Patterns" by Virginia Everson and "Doo Lough" by Margaret J. Arnold. "Springtime in Wisconsin" by Deborah Ahlstedt, "Walk with Me" by Terry Anderson, and "93 y. o. in Zimbabwe Village # 1" by Charlene Sweeney won the Round of Applause awards.

The photo exhibit runs through October 31 and can be viewed weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM at the Madison Senior Center, 330 W. Mifflin Street Madison, WI 53703. For more information, visit or call 266-6581.


  • Pat Guttenberg, 608-266-6581