Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Awards Highlight Vital Health Benefits to Mothers and Babies and Recognize Supporters

The Fifth Annual Community Breastfeeding Awards will honor six individuals and organizations who have made a difference in protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding in our community. The awards will be held Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at Warner Park Community Center 1625 Northport Dr Madison, Wisconsin at 6:30 PM. The event is sponsored by the Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin and Public Health Madison and Dane County.

"While many people know that breastfeeding improves the health of both mothers and babies, it is an activity that nevertheless requires promotion, protection and support" according to Alice Meyer, Public Health Nurse and President of the Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin. "These awards recognize those in our community who have demonstrated a strong commitment to such support."

The American Academy of Pediatric has recently updated their policy on breastfeeding stressing the importance of breastfeeding and encouraging others to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months of a baby's life.

Following is a list of this year's recipients:

2013 BF Award Recipients

BF Friendly Business/Public Place Award:
Madison Children's Museum
For creating a receptive atmosphere for breastfeeding families

The museum has created an especially comfortable and welcoming space for mothers to sit down and nurse their babies. The "Cozy cottage" in the "Wildernest" area on the museums lower level is a designated Nursing Station. It contains a comfortable sofa, refrigerator and sink. Lights can be dimmed and is a very nice area for nursing a baby.

BF Friendly Employer Award
Willy St. Co-op
For supporting employees continuing to breastfeed by responding to the needs of working mothers and their families

Willy St Co-op has been very accommodating for moms returning to work who are breastfeeding. There is an official policy that supports breastfeeding moms. The co-op allows moms to structure their break time in order to pump .There is a designated room with a comfy chair and refrigerator for the moms to use. Management is genuinely concerned that the needs of nursing moms and babies are met.

Healthcare Award
Anne Ebert, Pharmacist at Meriter Hospital
For influencing best medical practice and policy with regard to breastfeeding

Anne Ebert as a pharmacist at Meriter has been instrumental in getting information on the effect between medications and mother's milk to hospital staff through a well known data base. She has led an effort to have in-services for pharmacists to learn both the benefits of human milk for infants as well as guide them through determining the safety of providing mother's own milk when therapies are instituted for the mother. She serves as a consultant to hospital staff in interpreting information about medications present in human milk and how this might impact the infant.

BF Friendly Childcare Center Award
Childcare Center at ARC
For promoting and providing an atmosphere to encourage breastfeeding

The Childcare Center at ARC Outpatient Services serves children of mothers in recovery. The needs of the children and their mothers are very unique and challenging, especially as they relate to a childcare setting and breastfeeding. Despite many obstacles the ARC staff has been very accommodating and creative
in helping moms succeed in breastfeeding their babies. The childcare Director, Nar Doumbya has been outstanding in her support of breastfeeding moms at the center.

BF Advocate Award
Laurel Franczek
For supporting and advocating for breastfeeding families

Laurel Franczek is one of the most devoted breastfeeding advocated in our area. She has been a La Leche league leader for over 10 years, is currently events treasurer for the La Leche League of Wisconsin and currently maintains the La Leche League of Madison web site. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Mothers' Milk Alliance, Inc. She makes herself available 24/7 to all in the community whether you are a struggling mother, looking for breastfeeding resources or have mothers' milk to be picked up or dropped off. Her dedication is without question and beyond expectation.

Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Anne Eglash
For dedicating many hours and boundless energy to protect, support, and promote breastfeeding in our community

The Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin is so happy to present the 2013 Distinguished Service Award to Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, a practicing Family Physician at UW Health in Mt. Horeb. Anne Eglash is a nationally recognized speaker, lecturer and researcher on breastfeeding and human lactation. She is responsible for greatly advancing medical knowledge related to breastfeeding as a co-founder in 1994 of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. She is on the editorial board of the Academy's official journal Breastfeeding Medicine.

Anne is a member of the Breastfeeding Advisory Committee of the American Academy of Family Practice. Anne has been involved in the organizing of the Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin. She serves on the board of directors of the Mother's Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes.

She has created a series of podcasts for providers to learn more about breastfeeding. She along with another IBCLC has just trained a group of clinical nurses at UW Health with a breastfeeding triage curriculum she helped develop.

Dr Anne Eglash is willing to share her expertise on breastfeeding and thereby not only assure that more families are able to successfully breastfeed their infants but inspire us through her own passion and commitment.
For more information on the health benefits of breastfeeding, and on where to find support, see the following links:

For information on the Breastfeeding Coalition of South Central Wisconsin, see


Public Health - Madison & Dane County


  • Jeff Golden, (608) 243-0302