Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Eleven people are being assisted by the Red Cross following a fire at their apartment building. City of Madison firefighters were called the a fire at 2005 Leland Drive at 11:14 p.m. Tuesday.

When firefighters arrived, they observed heavy fire at a rear corner of the building. Engine Company 7 launched an aggressive fire attack, achieving knockdown within 10 minutes of their arrival.

Crews conducted a search of the building, but found no one left inside. All eleven occupants were able to evacuate on their own.
Firefighters faced thick black smoke on the second floor of the 4-unit building, with fire in a back bedroom. Fire also extended into the attic, requiring additional operations and overhaul.

Fire damage to one of the second-floor apartments was extensive. There was heavy smoke damage throughout the second floor. Damage to apartments on the first floor was minimal, but the building was without electrical power or water as a result of the fire.

There were no injuries to any of the occupants. Damages to the building and contents are estimated at $150,000.


  • Lori Wirth, (608) 266-5947
