Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The City of Madison announces the rollout of its Streatery Program on State Street, as the City will close State Street to all vehicular traffic for weekends starting July 3 through August 23, 2020.

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said, “The Streatery program has become a life line for many of our cherished local businesses that have been disproportionally impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.” She added, “The weekend State Street closures will also help local retailers and merchants in their recovery by being able to take advantage of a full pedestrian street on weekends—all while maintaining good practices to prevent community spread of COVID-19.”

Retailers who are interested in selling their wares on the sidewalk are already eligible to do so under the City’s Merchant Vending Program. All fees for that program have been waived in 2020, and the City hopes that every retailer takes advantage of this unique opportunity when the street is closed to traffic. Restaurants and taverns can take advantage of the City’s new Streatery Program to expand their sidewalk cafes.

Mayor Rhodes-Conway added, “The City is committed to expanding the diversity of both business ownership and patrons, downtown and across the city to make for more welcoming spaces that can be enjoyed by all Madisonians. The sustainability of our small business community is essential, and this is just one more way the City is trying to help.”

Retailers who are interested in selling their wares on the sidewalk are already eligible to do so under the City’s Merchant Vending Program. All fees for that program have been waived in 2020, and the City hopes that every retailer takes advantage of this unique opportunity when the street is closed to traffic. Restaurants and taverns can take advantage of the City’s new Streatery Program to expand

Tiffany Kenney, Executive Director of Madison’s Central Business Improvement District, shared, “The State Street Streatery is a direct response to requests from our local State Street businesses who have faced multiple challenges since March. This particular program will also bring added exposure and opportunities to retailers, as well as restaurants along the entirety of the street.”

Alder Mike Verveer said, “I am excited to experiment with weekend State Street closures to give both restaurants and retailers a chance for success during these challenging times.”

This program is temporary, and in order to accommodate weekday Metro bus schedules, the State Street closure will be limited to Friday Evenings starting at 6:45 pm throughout the weekend, ending on August 23, 2020.

Sidewalk Cafes License: Meghan Blake-Horst,
Merchant Vending Licenses: Meghan Blake-Horst,
Street Occupancy Permit: Michael Duhr,
Alcohol License Permits: Clerks Office,
