Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

City of Madison 2020 Census outreach partner Rebalanced Life Wellness Center will host a 2020 Census Education event for community members on Saturday, March 14th. The event will include free food, music, and entertainment. Representatives from the City will also attend. Event details are as follows:

Date and Time: Saturday, March 14th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
(high point of activity for media at noon)
Location: Rebalanced Life Wellness Center at 588 Grand Canyon Drive

The Rebalanced Life Wellness Center, (RLWA) Men's Health & Education Center, located inside of Madison's largest Black barbershop JP Hair Design, is a new innovative health model for reducing health disparities and improving the Social & Health Conditions of Black men in Dane County. In building a solid foundation for this health model, it is our hope to replicate this type of facility nationwide.

Information on the City of Madison’s Census outreach efforts can be found at


  • Christie Baumel, 608-266-4611
  • Augustine Tatus, 608-481-6377