Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Risk to Dane County residents remains low

Earlier today the Wisconsin Department Health Services announced there is a person with coronavirus in Wisconsin. That person resides in Dane County. The individual recently returned from China and went immediately from the airport to UW Hospital and Clinics. They were tested for coronavirus and have been isolated at home since then. The individual is doing well. They are still in isolation at home and will remain there until testing shows they no longer have coronavirus.

“For the past month, we have been preparing for a confirmed case of coronavirus with our state and local health care partners. We are continuing to work closely with them to monitor and respond to the situation,” says Janel Heinrich, Director of Public Health Madison & Dane County. “A person’s chances of getting sick from coronavirus in Dane County remain low.”

Public Health Madison & Dane County’s responsibilities include:

  • Monitoring travelers who have been to China and returned to Dane County after February 2 for symptoms
  • Ensuring isolation of any individuals who are waiting for test results
  • Supplying individuals with items they need to stay home for an extended period of time
  • Following-up with anyone who has been in close contact with a person who has coronavirus and instructing them what to do to prevent the spread of the virus

People should continue their regular activities. People who do not have symptoms or meet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria, should not be excluded from activities based on their race, country of origin, or recent travel. If someone is supposed to be isolated, Public Health Madison & Dane County will make those arrangements with them.

There are steps everyone can take to stay healthy during cold and flu season. These include getting a flu vaccine, washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, staying home when sick, and coughing or sneezing into a tissue.
This is a rapidly evolving situation. For the latest information, visit the CDC’s coronavirus webpage, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website, or the Public Health Madison & Dane County coronavirus page.


Health & Safety