Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

Anti-Asian harassment and violence has soared in the United States since the onset of COVID-19, and inappropriate and racist comments by some political leaders have fanned the flames.

The City of Madison does not tolerate harassment, hate speech or acts of violence. As a City we work every day to ensure Madison is a welcoming and safe community for residents, students and visitors. We have several resources for those who may be suffering racial harassment our community.

· If you are a victim of discrimination or harassment anywhere in the City of Madison, please contact the City's Civil Rights Department 608 266 4910 or

· If you are in imminent danger you can call 911 or if you are a student the UW police department (608) 264-2677​

The pain brought on by this type of inappropriate conduct not only impacts our Asian neighbors and friends but make our whole community weaker in a time when we need each other more than ever. I stand in solidarity with our Asian community and Asian-American community and wish you healing and safety in these trying times. ​
