Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The City of Madison recently passed historic legislation to put in place a Police Civilian Oversight Board to ensure the community is an integral part of overseeing the Madison Police Department (MPD). Under the adopted legislation, the Mayor and Council Leadership recommend the appointment of nine members chosen from 27 people nominated by nine community organizations. In addition, the Mayor and Council each appoint two members.

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, Council President Sheri Carter, and Council Vice President Syed Abbas collectively reviewed the nominations received from the nine designated community organizations and are pleased to recommend the following individuals for appointment to the Board:

  • Shadayra Kilfoy-Flores, nominated by the Community Response Team
  • Ananda Deacon, nominated by Freedom, Inc.
  • Joshua Hargrove, nominated by JustDane
  • Rachel Kincade, nominated by NAMI
  • Ankita Bharadwaj nominated by OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center
  • Yesenia Villalpando-Torres, nominated by UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence
  • Maia Pearson, nominated by Urban Triage
  • Jacquelyn Hunt, nominated by YWCA

“Community groups nominated an excellent slate of strong candidates. We are so pleased to announce these finalists and look forward to working with the Board on its important work of hiring a monitor in the months to come,” said Council President Carter.

“With these nominations, we get the Civilian Oversight Board off to a strong start. Thank you to all the community groups who participated by nominating candidates and helped bring the Civilian Oversight Board to fruition,” said Council Vice President Abbas.

In addition to these nine seats, Mayor Rhodes-Conway is pleased to announce the selection of her appointments to the Board:

  • Keetra Burnette
  • Keith Findley

“Keetra Burnette facilitates the United Way’s Law Enforcement and Leaders of Color Collaboration and is on the Executive Team of the Black Leadership Council. Keith Findley co-founded the Wisconsin Innocence Project, was the co-chair of the Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee, and is a former member of the Madison Police and Fire Commission,” said Mayor Rhodes-Conway, “There were over 75 applicants interested in serving on the Civilian Oversight Board, making our decisions very difficult. I am confident that both Ms. Burnette and Mr. Findley will bring experience, perspective and community connections that will help the Board succeed in its mission.”

The Common Council will select two additional appointees next week. The Mayor and Council Leadership will reconvene next week to appoint one additional individual nominated by the NAACP. All thirteen appointments will be submitted for confirmation at the October 6th Common Council meeting.

The Civilian Oversight Board’s purpose is to provide a body that is independent from the MPD, authorized to hire and supervise an Independent Police Monitor, and required to work collaboratively with the Office of the Independent Police Monitor and the community to review and make recommendations regarding use of force, hiring, training, community relations, complaint processes and other policies and activities.

The Board will also assist in directing efforts to ensure accountability for implementing the 177 recommendations that came out the 2019 Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee report. Full details of the powers of the Monitor and Oversight Board can be found in Madison General Ordinance 5.19 and 5.20.


  • Karen Kapusta-Pofahl, (608) 266-4071
City Hall