Archived News: This news release is more than one year old and may include outdated information.

The City of Madison invites you to submit nominations for its annual JEFFREY CLAY ERLANGER CIVILITY IN PUBLIC DISCOURSE AWARD. This award honors Jeffrey Clay Erlanger, who was an individual of integrity, passion, intelligence, and civility. Jeff understood that thoughtful and caring people could have very different views on how to best address our community's many complex issues and problems. Jeff, who died on June 10, 2007, spent a significant part of his life committed to public service, focusing on constructive advocacy and civil debate, fairness, openness, and effective representation. He embraced the similarities that unite us.

Today, more than ever, we must take a stand, as Jeff did, for civil conversations and, by example, show others how to disagree without raised voices, name-calling and open hostility. Our nation continues to be divided; neighbors, coworkers and even family members do not speak to one another. This is a wonderful opportunity to honor Jeff’s legacy - the legacy of an individual who worked with others in an honorable and respectful manner regardless of political affiliation, religious belief, age, race, sexual orientation or any of the many other differences that contribute to our growing lack of civility.

Jeff served on the City of Madison's Economic Development Commission; he was chair of the Commission on People with Disabilities; chair of the Board of Directors of the Community Living Alliance; and ran for the Madison Common Council in 2002. He also held a number of other significant positions in the community. One of his greatest accomplishments was his successful push for the accessible taxicab service in Madison today.

The Jeffrey Clay Erlanger Civility in Public Discourse Award recognizes City of Madison residents who share Jeff Erlanger's dedication to, and passion for, public policy, civility, individual and human rights. The recipient will be an individual who conducts their daily life with these values and who has made a significant impact on the Madison community.

The recipient of the Erlanger Award, and the person who nominated them, will each be able to designate a non-profit charity to receive $250.

More information is available on the City of Madison Mayor's website at:


  • Katie Crawley, 608-266-4611
Vision & Awards