Incident Type: 
Monday, April 11, 2022 - 2:49pm
Monday, April 11, 2022 - 2:54pm
700 block Brandie Road
Madison, WI

MFD responded to a residential building on Brandie Road for fire reported on a second-story balcony and possibly spreading to the first floor. Upon arrival, Engine Co. 8 located the fire as Ladder Co. 8 began an interior search. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire, which consisted of screen or tarp material lining the balcony. No other fire extension into the building was found. Crews noted several containers of discarded cigarette butts on the balcony where the fire occurred. The occupant reported smoking on the balcony earlier that day. Nobody was injured or displaced by the fire.

Safety Reminders: Firefighters remind everyone to take these steps to prevent a fire when throwing away cigarettes and other smoking materials:

  • Discard cigarettes in a container that won’t catch on fire. Use an approved ashtray, metal coffee canister, or a bucket with sand.
  • Put your cigarette out all the way. Pour a little water on the ashes and butts to make sure they are totally extinguished before placing them in the trash.
  • Empty your ashtray often so cigarette butts don’t pile up. Even if you throw your cigarettes in a proper receptacle, the butts can still start on fire, especially if the receptacle is full.
Posted 04/12/2022 - 9:10am

Cynthia Schuster (Public Information Officer)