Incident Type: 
Assist Citizen
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 4:59pm
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 5:02pm
600 block N. Segoe Road
Madison, WI

An elderly resident at Segoe Gardens Assisted Living reached over to grab the remote control for her television when she “tipped over” and fell from her chair. Unable to get back up on her own, firefighters were called to assist.
Engine Company 9, responding from the neighborhood firehouse a short distance away, arrived moments later and proceeded into the apartment. They found the woman seated on the carpeted floor patiently awaiting assistance. She denied any injuries and said she just wanted to get off the floor.
Firefighters helped the woman to her feet and gave her the walker she normally uses to get around. She returned to her chair and sat back down.
Asked if she’d like to have her vital signs checked or to be taken to the hospital, she responded with a chuckle, “I just want to go to dinner."
With advice to call back if she changed her mind, Engine 9 asked if they could escort her to dinner. She agreed, and together they made their way down the hallway, onto the elevator, and into the first-floor dining hall.
Firefighters ensured she still felt alright along the way. She thanked them for coming to help her, soon parting ways so Engine 9 could help the next neighbor in need.

Posted 08/25/2016 - 2:12pm

Cynthia Schuster (Public Information Officer)