Incident Type: 
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 3:02pm
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 3:06pm
4500 block Buckeye Road
Madison, WI 53705

An east-side family had just bought some new bed sheets and tossed them into the dryer after giving them a wash Tuesday afternoon. While the sheets tumbled in the dryer, the family left to run a few errands. When they returned just over an hour later, there was smoke in the house.
The family called 911 and waited on the driveway for firefighters to come. Light smoke was showing from the garage when Engine Company 3 and Engine Company 5 arrived.
Firefighters went to the basement and found flames inside the dryer. They used a water extinguisher to put out the fire, and the sheets were removed and brought outside. Engine 3 unplugged the machine as Ladder Company 8 ventilated the home.
The dryer vent was completely melted by the fire. Upon further investigation, firefighters determined the dryer ventilation system, which was made of metal tubing, was not blocked with lint. It’s not known how the fire started.
Damage was contained to the dryer, and nobody was injured. The family later sought the assistance of the American Red Cross.

Posted 03/08/2017 - 6:57am

Cynthia Schuster (Public Information Officer)