Incident Type: 
Gas Leak
Friday, November 4, 2016 - 4:10am
Friday, November 4, 2016 - 4:19am
700 block University Ave.
Madison, WI

A prompt 911 call and swift intervention by firefighters prevented what could have been a serious emergency resulting in multiple injuries at a downtown Madison high-rise.  
Two people reported to the Buffalo Wild Wings on University Avenue to clean the kitchen hood fan inside. They noticed a smell of natural gas and immediately called 911 to report the issue. Engine Company 1 responded and prompted the Dane County 911 Communications Center to dispatch MGE.
Firefighters suited up and entered the restaurant with a portable air monitor in hand. Engine 1 found the leak behind the stove and pulled away the appliance to try to put a stop to it. After determining that the on/off valve was not the issue, firefighters discovered a break in the gas line. Gas was flowing freely out of the one-inch pipe.
Engine 1 left the restaurant to go find the main gas shutoff and turned off all electrical breakers to the business, too. Meanwhile, security guards inside the Lucky Apartments were informed that a residential evacuation may need to take place if the leak can’t be shut down right away.
The gas meters were ultimately located in the lower-level parking ramp, but a locked chain-linked fence stood in the way of firefighters. Knowing time was of the essence, Engine 1 climbed the fence to gain access. The meters were not labeled, but one of them was “free spinning,” according to Engine 1’s officer, providing a clue that this was the leaking line. That meter was shut down just as MGE arrived to confirm firefighters had identified the proper meter.
Firefighters returned to the restaurant to confirm that gas levels were going down and that the gas leak did not spread to adjacent units. MGE capped the broken gas line as Ladder Company 1 assisted with ventilating the restaurant. Property management was also notified of the situation.
Workers were invited back inside to clean the kitchen hood fan as firefighters left the scene around 5:05 a.m.

Posted 11/07/2016 - 7:58am

Cynthia Schuster (Public Information Officer)