Incident Type: 
Friday, January 28, 2022 - 7:00pm
Friday, January 28, 2022 - 7:05pm
1300 block Woodvale Drive
Madison, WI

A Woodvale Drive resident was alerted to fire outside their home thanks to a neighbor who stopped by to report it. The incident prompted a call to 911 and a full structure fire response from Engine Co. 14 and others in the area.

The neighbor reported seeing fire climbing the exterior siding of the house. Two fire extinguishers and snow were used to put out the fire just prior to MFD’s arrival. Firefighters inspected the damaged area to confirm fire did not extend into the home, attic, or other areas and posed no further danger. The occupants were not displaced, and nobody was injured during the incident.

Firefighters determined the fire originated from a pile of discarded ashes and coals from a recently-used fireplace. The ashes and coals had been placed in a plastic bag that was then discarded into a plastic City-issued garbage bin outside, but the ashes and coals hadn’t fully cooled prior to being thrown out.

Safety Tip: The Madison Fire Department recommends waiting up to 72 hours before disposing old coals and ashes from fireplaces, fire pits, and grills. If ashes and coals must be disposed sooner, place them in a metal container or other container that is fire-resistant until the contents. Wait until coals and ashes are fully cooled before placing in a standard (plastic) garbage pin.


Posted 01/30/2022 - 10:39am

Cynthia Schuster (Public Information Officer)