Date & Time: 
Thursday, April 30, 2015 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Thursday, April 30, 7:00pm, Exhibition Hall - A

"150 Years of Ideas from The Nation magazine"
Presented by The Nation Magazine

What is PechaKucha? The concept is simple: Each presenter shows 20 images for 20 seconds apiece. It’s an event that is never the same twice, so leave your expectations at the door. Monona Terrace is proud to serve as the official Madison site for PechaKucha International. Cash bar on site. 
2015 marks the 150th anniversary of The Nation, the oldest weekly magazine in the country. From groundbreaking investigative journalism, to cutting cultural commentary, to unmatched political analysis, The Nation has been at the forefront of American politics and culture since its inception by anti-slavery abolitionists just months after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Join us for an evening of reflection about what makes our country great--and the many hurdles we have yet to overcome with the magazine that Harry Belafonte says "has brought to the table of human need a menu of truth."
Event Cost: Free
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Sponsoring Organization(s): Monona Terrace, High Tech Happy Hour, The Nation Magazine,
Contact: (608) 261-4000
Pre-Registration?: No
American Sign Language (ASL) Provided?: No
Event Website: Pechakucha Night