Elections scheduled for February 21 and April 4.

The City of Madison has two elections scheduled in 2023. The Spring Primary will take place on Feb. 21, 2023, and the Spring Election will occur on Apr. 4, 2023. The City of Madison Clerk’s Office suggests you request your absentee ballots now if voting absentee by mail is in your voting plan for 2023.

Wisconsin voters can request absentee ballots for each individual election or for all elections in the current calendar year.

You can request your absentee ballot on the MyVote Wisconsin website. The site will prompt you to provide an acceptable photo ID if the City Clerk’s Office does not already have it on file.

Voters who do not have an ID on file already have either:

  1. not requested an absentee ballot in the past; or,
  2. they have moved or updated their name.

As a Madison voter, you can also mail or email your request to the City Clerk’s Office. The information needed in the request is:

Madison address
Address to which the ballot should be mailed
Copy of voter ID, if not already on file in Clerk’s Office

Send the request via email to voting@cityofmadison.com, or mail the request to:

City Clerk's Office
210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Room 103
Madison, WI 53703


City Hall