Thursday, November 9
5:30pm – 7:30pm
MainStay Suites
5421 Caddis Bend, Fitchburg
The City of Madison is building a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system as part of an effort to provide better access to jobs, reduce travel times, and improve transit equity throughout the region.
Madison's first BRT line running east-west is under construction and expected to go online in 2024!
What is BRT? / Why does Madison need BRT?
Attend public meetings to learn more about a second north-south line also in the works.
Thursday, November 9
5:30pm – 7:30pm
MainStay Suites
5421 Caddis Bend, Fitchburg
Metro's first BRT line is currently under construction!
Madison’s first Metro Rapid Route A will run east-west from Junction Rd. to East Towne through the downtown and campus area.
Construction of dedicated bus lanes, passenger stations, and implementation of larger all-electric articulated buses will last into next year.
The system is expected to go officially online at the end of 2024.
Metro Rapid Route B is expected to run north-south from the north side of Madison, through the downtown and UW campus area, to the south side of Madison and end in Fitchburg.
For new meeting updates and the latest information on Madison's Bus Rapid Transit System: