These Hot Ticket Items May Pose a Fire Risk. Here's How to Protect Yourself.

Is there an electric bicycle, scooter, or skateboard on your holiday shopping list this year? With the growing popularity of these battery-powered devices, the instances of fires related to them have risen nationwide.

The Madison Fire Department and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) caution consumers to be smart about where you purchase these devices, and how you store, charge, and use them. Following these simple tips is a small step that could make a big difference.

  • Only purchase and use devices, batteries, and charging equipment that are listed by a nationally recognized testing lab and are labeled accordingly.
  • Only use the battery and the charger that were designed for, and came with, the device.
  • Do not keep charging the device or device battery after it is fully charged.
  • Store e-bikes, e-scooters, and batteries away from exit doors and anything that can get hot or catch fire.
  • Stop using the e-bike or e-scooter if the battery emits an unusual odor, changes in color, gives off too much heat, changes in shape, leaks, smokes, or fails to keep a charge.
  • Do not put lithium-ion batteries in the trash. Recycling is always the best option. See below for local disposal advice.
  • Only have repairs performed by a qualified professional.

What to do with your old lithium ion batteries
The best way to dispose of old lithium ion batteries is to take them to a trusted e-recycling vendor for proper disposal. Find a vendor near you.

Although these batteries can be placed in the trash, that is not the preferred method of disposal. Lithium ion batteries should never be placed in your City-issued recycling carts.

For more safety information about e-bikes, e-scooters, and other micromobility devices, read the NFPA's Frequently Asked Questions about them, and download a free safety tip sheet.

