How To Get Prequalified

  1. Create a login

    Visit the City's website to login or create a new login.

  2. Complete Online Application

    Click “Licenses/Registrations” located at the top of the page. Then, “Apply for a License/Registration," “Prequalified Contractor,” and “Continue Application.”

  3. Select the category(s) for the type of work you want to be prequalified for.

    • Category A covers Street Terrace permits, limited concrete work, tree pruning, and sewer lateral inspection/cleaning.
    • Category B covers work performed under a Private Developer Agreement or Public Works contract.  This category also requires an AA plan. You can leave the AA Plan number blank on the prequalified contractor application; however, when the application is completed, repeat steps 2 & 3 and select “Affirmative Action Plan –Construction” or “AA Plan Exemption” (if appropriate) to fill out.
    • Bidders: If applying to bid on a contract, a prequalification application AND an AA Plan application must be submitted by the deadline shown in the bid documents.  Both applications must be approved prior to bid opening.
    • Category C is required if you need to obtain a permit to excavate in the right of way

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