The City of Madison Engineering Division supports inclusive and equitable opportunities for all. We serve our community better when we all work together, include diverse backgrounds, perspectives and skill sets. The Engineering Division takes part in celebrating and elevating National Women in Construction Week annually in the first full week of March.“The Engineering Division has benefited greatly from the knowledge and ideas provided by the women in our organization at all levels, including upper management.  Our agency would not be where we are today without their contribution,” City of Madison City Engineer Robert Phillips said. “National Women in Construction Week is a great opportunity to elevate the work of women as we continue to work toward a more equitable workforce, especially in Engineering.”The focus of Women in Construction (WIC) Week is to highlight women in the construction industry. WIC Week also provides an occasion for NAWIC’s thousands of members across the country to raise awareness of the careers available for women in the construction industry and to emphasize the growing role of women in the industry. The Engineering Division posts written profiles and videos on its website and social media channels to lift the stories and journeys of each year's selected employees. The following Engineering staff members were profiled:
